Monday 27 March 2017

Environmental problems - 1ºESO

In 1ºESO we've been studying water, weather and climate. With this in mind some pupils have prepared some information for us to help solve some present-day problems: how can we save water and try to limit the effects of global warming? Read on, and leave a comment!

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Italy guides (2º Bachillerato)

Every year our final year (2º Bachillerato) pupils go on a very special school trip to Italy, where they spend a week or so seeing the sights and learning about the culture, architecture, art and history of this fascinating country. 

On returning, the pupils created illustrated documents focussing on different aspects of Italy, such as the cuisine, art, or city guides. Here you can see a small selection of the attractive and interesting work they produced.