Thursday 26 November 2015

Environment campaign mini-presentations (3ºESO)

In 3ºESO we have been doing a range of different exercises based on the environment. These include making oral descriptions of photos and pictures of environmental problems, watching a series of short National Geographic videos about the effects of global warming, and doing a quiz about the topic. The pupils also had to work in small groups to produce an environmental campaign with the objective of solving a particular problem or trying to convince people to change their habits to help the environment.

We have recorded one group's campaign presentations and you can listen to them below. Thanks and well done to Claudia, María & Olivia; Anna & Sofia; Eduardo, Enrique & Jaime; and finally Leticia & María.

Listen to the mini-presentations

Please leave your comments about the presentations, or about environmental problems in general, below.

Friday 20 November 2015

Maps (1ºESO)

At the moment in the English Workshop with 1ºESO we are working on our map skills in English! We have been to the computer room to do several online activities connected with maps in which we studied the vocabulary connected with maps through games and interactive activities. 

Then, back in the classroom, we drew our own maps of different places (imaginary or real) and presented them to the rest of the group. Below you can see the excellent and creative map designed and presented by Eva and Clara. 

To make it easy to read and understand, it includes three very important features: direction indicator, scale and a legend. The direction indicator shows us which way north is, the scale shows us the dimensions of the map (1:10000, or 1 cm on the map equals 10,000 cm in real life) and the legend explains the meaning of the map symbols.

If you would like to try out some of the online activities mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, click on the following links and then leave a comment to tell us your opinion about the activities you tried.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Debating Society (1º bachillerato)

In this week's Debating Society Paula and Marieta presented the cases for and against the use of GM foods (genetically modified, or transgenic, foods). The motion, which the 15 audience members had to vote on, was:

"Genetically-modified foods offer the best way to solve future hunger problems."

Before the presentations the majority of the audience voted for the "yes" option, in other words they supported the production and consumption of GM foods as a solution to future hunger problems. After the presentations and the class debate, however, the majority voted against the motion, meaning that the "no" argument (argued by Marieta) won the day.

Congratulations to both girls for their very well-prepared arguments and ability to answer some questions posed by the audience.

Below you can click on the link to listen to an audio recording of the girls' arguments (first Paula, then Marieta). Please leave a comment if you have any doubts with the vocabulary or want to express your opinion about the topic of GM foods.

Listen to the debate on