Here is another account of a pupil who spend last year living and studying abroad. This is from Nicolás, now back here studying 3º ESO, who will tell us about his year in the Birmingham area, in the UK.
Last year I went to England to improve and develop my English. I went to a town near Birmingham called Stourbridge. The school was called Old Swinford Hospital and owned nearly the whole village, so going to the shops included a very big discount, mainly in WH Smith's or Poundland, where the discount was about half the original price.
At a boarding school, not being a boarder would be a disadvantage for your social life or your relationship with the older boarders or sixth formers*. Each house has a housemaster (who is a member of staff) and a head of house (who is a sixth former, who were the most important. A matron was in charge of laundry and acted as the "house's tailor", fixing trousers and shirts like there was no tomorrow.
At school we had very well thought-out breaks placed at the second hour in the morning and at 12 o'clock for lunch. The school was huge and had two different fields, five boarding houses, and a building for each subject, plus administration and the headmaster's office.
The worst experience was playing rugby in December in the rain wearing shorts and losing my gumshield**. The best thing was having a natural grass football pitch next to my house.
In conclusion, it was a great experience. The best tip I can give is to respect the older pupils and get on well with them and the rugby players of your age. And of course to enjoy yourself!
*Sixth form is the last two years of education, the equivalent of Bachillerato.
**Also called a mouthguard. You put it into your mouth in contact sports to protect your teeth.
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